We are THEMIC Partners in 21st Century Learning: Consultants and advocates supporting life-long learning.
At THEMIC Partners we recognize that the world is rapidly changing as advances in science and technology redraw the face of culture here and around the world. We know that the value of life-long learning has never been greater.
With over 50 years of educational experience at every level, THEMIC Partners is equipped to assist the individual learner through Research, Support and Advocacy.
THEMIC Partners takes a particular interest in those with special needs.
We can aid in developing individualized Learning Plans and put together Individualized Community Access plans. THEMIC Partners provides research, supports curriculum design and strategy building to assist individual life-long learners to achieve desired and necessary goals.
For research and support related to all life- long learning, consult with THEMIC Partners.
THEMIC Partners are
MichaelĀ BA, B.Ed., MA (English) M.Ed., (Educational Technology), Diploma in Communication Arts, Specialist in Special Education
ThereseĀ BA, B.Ed., M.RE Specialist in Special Education, Specialist in Reading, Specialist in Religious Education, experienced school and system based special needs support teacher .
Contact us at learn4life@themic21.com
or learnsupport@themic21.com